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We’re actually here to help people in their careers, not just in changing jobs.

C-Suite, PR & Communications

James Kenneth Koh, Founder and CEO, Asia

James is often seen sporting a hat of some sort, which hints at the great many he wears as a fitness advocate, a singer, a stage actor, HGTV host… He’s even an accomplished, self-taught interior designer with an impressive portfolio of high-profile creative clients who have entrusted their homes to him. Of the many hats James wears, however, the one he’s most known for is being one of the industry’s top talent recruiters.

For proof of this, look no further than the team he’s built. James isn’t just passionate about building businesses, but also the careers of the people behind these businesses.

Just like the vampire Lestat from Anne Rice’s novels, James is ageless, and has handpicked just about every member of his team, turning them from passionate industry members to recruiters. Their actual, impressive industry experience allows them to better understand and empathise with the needs of their clients and candidates, setting them apart from most other recruiters, a huge reason why his namesake agency is one of – if not the – best in the region.

James prides himself in not only understanding the industry, but also the people in it. Anyone can take notes over a coffee, or follow a candidate’s awards journey in industry media. But that doesn’t mean you’ll know they actually want to move. James listens – beyond coffees and hearsay – as a friend who understands their motivations. That’s why having James Kenneth Koh by your side gives you visibility as to when people are ready to join you.

James is always looking to grow the team at James Kenneth Koh, so feel free to drop James a note to schedule a coffee, karaoke session, crossfit workout… Unlike Lestat, James doesn’t bite!


“James and his team are long-standing partners of ours at BBH in Singapore. Because of this, he understands our brand, our standards and is well-placed to judge who is likely to prosper with us. ”

Charles Wigley, Former Chairman, BBH Asia

“JKK is a trusted partner that understands business and people.”

HS Chung, President, Hill & Knowlton Strategies Asia

“My name is Andrea Ross and I’m a corporate trainer and executive coach at The Career Establishment.”

Andrea Ross, Managing Director, The Career Establishment Singapore

“I have known James for a long time, and he has always managed to answer my brief with great and unique candidates.”

Paul Soon, Chief Executive Officer, MullenLowe Group Singapore & China

“I met James right at the beginning of my advertising journey.”

Bibiana Lee, Lead, Today at Apple APAC

People know me for being the Founder of James Kenneth Koh.

People don’t know that I am an Introvert by nature. However, I’ve learned to adapt for work, so now i’m more of an ambivert (or outgoing introvert!).

A job I’ve had that nobody knows about is when I worked front desk at the Oriental Mandarin Singapore, handling keys and information. I did this for 2 years, before managing to secure a study loan to pursue my Bachelor of Commerce Degree at the University of Calgary.

When I was 12, I wanted to be a singer or fashion designer.

I start my day by feeding my 2 cats at 6:30 in the morning.

My favourite time of day is the end of the work day – because that’s my fitness time – be it running, HIIT or weight lifting.

My favourite JKK moment is when I decided to shift gears, going from being an employee to being an entrepreneur, starting JKK.

My motivation is very different from when I started my advertising career back in 1994. Now, my motivation is to achieve and maintain a state of happiness both personally and professionally. What that means is trying, to the best of my abilities, to engage in positive relationships.

My personal hero is my mum. I was raised by a single parent. She is just an amazing lady. She did not have much, but has touched and impacted so many people around her unconsciously through her actions, her food and by just being who she is – through her nature.

The last person I spoke to on the phone was my ‘office wife’ Linah – who is my right hand person at work. She keeps me on track and supports me in so many ways, which allows me to focus on building the business.

The last text I sent was to the team to accept our coffee break which we’re holding virtually as we are all currently working from home.

My drink of choice would be an ice-lemon tea (less sweet). If we’re talking alcoholic then it would be a lychee martini.

You’ll never see me without my mobile phone.

My work from home situation is great, I actually enjoy working from home because I am able to focus and get more things done. Spoken like a true introvert.

When i’m not at work I’m usually at home nesting or engaged in some fitness activity.

The one talent I wish I had is the ability to play the piano.

My pet peeve is toxic personalities.

Cat or dog? I love animals but given the hours I put in at work – I will now say that I am more of a cat person. I currently have 2 cats: a Scottish Fold called Simba and a Maine Coon called Coonchye.

If I wasn’t a headhunter, I would be an architect or interior designer. I love creating beautiful spaces for people to live in.

The top 3 things on my bucket list are more travel (e.g. Amalfi Coast), maintaining a state of healthy mental, spiritual and physical well-being, and positive relationships – otherwise why do we keep ourselves busy doing what we are doing?

My biggest fear is heights.



Having been through SARS, 9/11, and the Global Financial Crisis, James speaks from a wealth of experience, leaving you with practical tips and advice to help you “ride out the storm” of Covid-19.


You know what you’re looking for. A good search firm will know who you’re looking for.


We might be good, but we’re not that good. Recruitment isn’t magic, it’s a process. And we all have a part to play.

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